If there is any flexibility in check-in or check-out time we will let you know as soon as possible!



Navigate your way to Moat Island. Find the exact location of our car park & your accommodation using the “What three words” app!


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Please use our gravel car park surrounded by woodland sensibly. Use the wheelbarrows provided to transport your luggage etc to your accommodation!


You are able to unload your car right next to Oak. Once unloaded please put your car in the car park. The gateway must be kept clear in case of an emergency.

To access by foot from the car park, walk through the woods to the communal kitchen, use the big bridge that goes over the pond and then over the two little bridges!

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Ash is on the moated island. You can’t access it by car so please use the wheelbarrows provided. To access Ash, you will need to go over the bridge that is located between the kitchen and the loo block. Once you have gone over the bridge your tent is the one on the left!

Please put the wheelbarrow back in the car park once you have finished transporting your luggage.

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Elm is on the moated island. You can’t access it by car so please use the wheelbarrows provided. To access Elm, you will need to go over the bridge that is located between the kitchen and the loo block. Once you have gone over the bridge your tent is the one on the right!

Please put the wheelbarrow back in the car park once you have finished transporting your luggage.



To access Furnished stargazer go over the bridge opposite the communal kitchen and your tent is directly in front of you! You can’t access it by car so please use the wheelbarrows provided and put them back in the car park once you have finished unloading.

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As this tent requires you to bring your own beds and comfort, we made sure that it is easy to unload directly from your car! You can park up right next to the tent Once unloaded please put your car in the car park. The gateway must be kept clear in case of an emergency.

To access by foot from the car park, walk through the woods to the communal kitchen, use the big bridge that goes over the pond and then over the first of the little bridges. Go slightly uphill, past the natural swimming pond and you have arrived!

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